
Flood Relief Donate

  • Dear Friend(s), שי׳

    On the first day of Shavuos, Hallandale Beach made news around the world with a 20 inch record rainstorm and severe flooding. 

    Hundreds of men, women and children, leaving the Main Synagogue, walked in water that reached their thighs and managed to get home. 

    22 families plus numerous individuals had severe flooding.  

    Many families were forced to leave their homes on the Holiday.  

    For numerous families, this was the fifth time in Hallandale Beach that their homes were severely damaged and unlivable!

    Chabad of South Broward is doing their utmost to help hundreds of Hallandale Beach residents get back on their feet.  

    We are raising $250,000, to help individuals who didn't have insurance, and to help those with insurance cover their deductibles.  

    He who saves a life, saves a world.  Please generously help us save many worlds. 

    Many many thanks in advance.

    Rabbi Raphael Tennenhaus 
    Rabbi Moshe Schwartz
    Rabbi Mordy Feiner

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