What our Students and Parents Say

1-palmettos, lots and lots of them, oh! and lizards too
2-the weather is a little confusing, but if you don't like it, wait a minute.
3-tanning is a MUST because you can't convince people you went to Florida for a year if you look like me. And last but not least, brace yourself for the best year of your life!!! I must admit that I did not expect what was headed my way, from the diverse classes and dynamic teachers, to the cookies and danishes in the morning and trips to the beach, this year had been a whirlwind of unique experiences in every way!

It's not just the physical aspects that were really great, but the inspiration of living with girls from all over the world and farbrenging with different shluchim that play and integral role in the success of this year.

There is an expression that goes as follows "All good things must come to an end." I stand here right now and tell you, that we have only begun.  Not only will my Seminary experiences NOT come to an end but they will only blossom, and expand more and more. I will take this year of inspiration with me, and spread the Chayos and enthusiasm for Yiddishkeit out to the world, to change it in a way many others cannot. We aren't training for the worldly careers that in essence hold no value (except monetary value).  As Chassidim, our careers as future Shluchim of the Rebbe will be for a very different purpose than monetary gain.  We have traveled the state in an attempt to mirror the many spectacular Shluchim we have observed who are stepping forward and revealing to the world a universe overflowing with Hashem's presence.  I know we will all do our best to "Kerr a Velt," turn the world over, with the Rebbe's brochos and koichos behind us.

Now more than ever when we are in the last moments of Galus, the world needs to be aware of the dire need we have for Moshiach that's why our job is so vital.So we are also on a mission to remind every Jew, that with seemingly small deeds, he holds the power in bringing about the ultimate redemption.

So with that, Rabbi and Mrs. Lebovics, you can rest assured that setting us loose into the world now, we will become the leaders you trained us to be!"

Author: Chaya


Dear Rabbi and Mrs. Lebovics,

Hope you and your family are well. Just a few words to say thank you and to acknowledge the wonderful, productive experience Chaya had (and we are sure all the girls). The lessons learnt, only from your personal example of patience, kindness ,understanding and creating a warm connection with all of the girls was truly commendable. The atmosphere in general; allowed the girls to grow and learn in pleasant and comfortable surroundings.

May Hashem bless you with Hatzlacha materially and spiritually in all the good work that you do.

Respectfully, ………………. “Grateful Parents”