Chaya Aydel Seminary 

Our Limudei Kodesh program is geared to enabling our students to learn texts on their own with ease and familiarity. Our teachers encourage questions and discussions and the girls are eager to integrate all that they are gaining in their interaction with the community. Farbrengens and Guest Lecturers are an integral part of our program and we feel lucky to be able to glean from the amazing array of talent here in South Florida. Our dedicated teaching staff is made up of a wide array of local Torah and Chassidic scholars who we are blessed to have in the Greater Miami area, which the Rebbe referred to as the Jerusalem of America. Our farbrengens equip our students with strong Hashkafa, Chassidishe values and tools to make the most of our Hiskashrus with the Rebbe. We are also privileged to host numerous prominent out of town guest speakers each semester.

Our student body is encouraged to partake in the planning of many of our extra curricular programs and events. In this way each and every student is able to actualize her potential and contribute her unique talents. The Chaya Aydel Seminary boasts an extremely warm and welcoming environment where every student is an individual. Our students feel a part of our family and our staff is always available to each and every student.

Our comprehensive Hebrew studies program includes Chumash (bekius and bi'iyun), Hafotzoh and topics pertaining to women in Gemora, debates on “hot” topics in Judaism, Biur Tefilah, Chassidus including Tanya, Sichos and selected Maamarim, Moshiach and Geulah, Halacha with emphasis on the mitzvos of Shabbos and Yom Tov, Kashrus and areas of Halachic concern for women. Our students benefit from the tremendously talented men and women who come to seminary from all over South Florida. Some of the extra curricular courses include: art, fitness, Simcha dancing and self defense.  Our curriculum also incorporates a number of mini-courses including: nutrition and health, public speaking, and food preparation and decoration.

Our Teacher training course includes professional techniques, teaching methodology, Educational Psychology, model lessons and observation, and in-depth study of the teachings of the Rebbeim on chinuch. Our courses are taught by school directors and outreach experts, well-known guest speakers in the fields of psychology and social work and professional educators.

Weekday Schedule:

9:30 Tanya
9:00 Davening

10:00 Breakfast

10:30 Morning Class

11:30 Daily Chumash

12:00 Morning Class

1:00 Lunch

2:00 Afternoon Class

3:00 Afternoon Class

4:00 Break

6:00 Dinner

7:00 Night Class

8:00 Night Class/Farbrengens/Special Lectures



Some of our mini courses


Classroom Management
Torah Ohr
Hashkafa v'Hadracha
Perkei Avos
Megillas Esther



Some Extra-Curricular Activities


Self Defense